Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Terrible Lizards

Today we went to the Science Center to learn about nasty…dinosaurs. When we arrived at the Arizona Science Center, we went into our large classroom, and in our large classroom, we learned a couple facts: the smallest dinosaur can be the size of a cat, and the largest dinosaur can be the size of three school buses and the weight of ten school buses. Life is so amazing.
            An activity we did was take three to four small and jagged rocks, and then we put them into a baggie. Then we went to the front of the classroom to pick up a small piece of lettuce. We placed the small piece of lettuce into the bag with the rocks until the lettuce was broken up into dark green, tiny chunks of lettuce. That experiment was to show how types of dinosaurs eat.
            Another experiment we did to show how dinosaurs eat was taking a green, nasty smelling chunk of celery, with a white clean smelling serrated knife, and we sawed the chunk of disgusting celery on our plate until it was in tiny pieces to show how this type of dinosaur ate. We had a very interesting and dino-ing time at the Arizona Science Center.
Dinosaur egg!



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