When does learning math result is a stylish purse? During homeschool, of course! Today we cut out a circle of fleece with a 18 inch diameter using a template. The fleece was purchased at a fabric store after considering many patterns and colors. With the 18 inch diameter, we were able to determine the radius, then calculate both the circle's area and circumference using pi.

After cutting out the circle, we cut an even number of 1/2 inch slits perpendicular to the edge of the circle, about 1/2 inch in from the edge and about 1 1/2 inches apart. That was a lot of measuring! Then, starting from the outside, we wove a 60 inch length of 1/2 inch ribbon through the slits. We learned that an odd number of slits would not result in a purse! When we purchased the ribbon the day prior, we discovered that ribbon came in quantities of 3 yards. By using our conversion skills and a little mental math, we determined that each roll of ribbon was sufficient for one purse with enough left over to create a matching hair ribbon.
Samantha's completed purse. |
Circle with an 18 inch diameter and 9 inch radius. |
This is our guide. |
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