Today I dissected a male frog, which was very slimy. I started learning about all the different body parts of a frog. I reviewed that a frog is an amphibian, a type of animal that can breathe under water and on land. I remember how fascinated I was when I discovered how unusual amphibians are compared to other types of animals.
After all the facts were reviewed, the volunteers gently placed a frog onto my dissection mat period. Then I snipped up the frog’s body to uncover what was inside the body of a frog. I saw various body parts: liver, fat, small intestine, heart, and even the sperm for a male frog. After I washed the tools and cleaned up the disgusting table, I heard the teacher tell the science class that she had a surprise. Next thing I saw was a stout box with tadpoles inside the box. She allowed the class to feel the tadpoles. A plethora of frogs turned into princess today!
Frog's Body |
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