Thursday, February 23, 2012

Squid Dissection

The "before" picture

Today at the Arizona Science Center we dissected a squid. Squids live in the ocean and are related to cuttlefish and octopus. They swim backwards using jets of water and can attain speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. They have 8 short arms and 2 long tentacles which have suckers and teeth. They even have teeth on their tongues! They also have 3 hearts and blue blood. Their blood is blue because it contains copper instead of iron like humans. Squids use black ink to hide from predators like seals and large fish. This stunning footage of deep-sea squids comes from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), where researchers use remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to observe and record deep-sea animal behaviors.

Ready to dissect!

Notice how the 2 tentacles are longer than the 8 arms?

After the girls removed the beak from between the 8 arms, they used a microscope that projected the image onto the overhead computer screen to observe the tongue and its many rows of teeth.

Some of the squid parts:
eye, lens, beak, kidney, heart, sperm, brain, gill, funnel, ink sac.

Team work

The "after" picture

Watch a video here:

Giant squid dissection by a scientist

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