Friday, December 2, 2011

Hawaii Day 5

A beautiful sunset tonight!
Today we woke up early and snorkeled at Kaimana Beach which is at the foot of Diamond Head. When we were snorkeling, Samantha saw a school of silver fish and Lauren saw just one tiny silvery fish. After snorkeling, we went to University of Hawaii and worked on reading comprehension in the Sinclair Library. Then we attended Carson's music class where we learned to read classical choral music! And wow they have loud voices! Next we traveled to the Waikiki Aquarium. We learned about monk seals, humuhumunukunukuapua'a, octopuses, and sting rays. We touched spiny sea urchins and a baby hermit crab. Then we drove home and divided fractions. We had a day full of learning and activity!
A spotted moray eel!

Moorish Idol fish!

Lauren and Samantha caught in a giant clam!

A giant clam!

A longnose butterfly fish! 

A lionfish!

A jellyfish!


  1. Everyday I look forward to reading your blog. What a wonderful experience you are having. Enjoy your last 2 days in Hawaii! Love, Mommy

  2. Dear Mommy,
    We love telling you about our day. We hope you enjoy reading it. We love you so much. Sleep tight and have an awesome night. Keep on reading our blog. We miss you a lot.
    Lauren and Samantha (Lalena and Kamaka)
