Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hawaii Day 3

Today we woke up at a later time. Our first tour was of Pearl Harbor. We went in the Bowfin submarine and on the memorial. Did you know that oil is still leaking from the Arizona? After Pearl Harbor we went to the Aloha swap meet where we bought some flowery jewelry and souvenirs for our family.  Next we swam to a raft and a small island at Kahala Hotel where we also watched dolphins perform tricks. The raft was very slippery and Samantha's watch is now submerged off shore somewhere. As our day was ending, we started to get drowsy once again. That was a fun and educational third day in Hawaii!
Lauren and Samantha in their new dresses posing for a photo outside of Tutu and Papa's house!

Pearl Harbor Memorial!

Lauren and Samantha steering the wheel of a submarine!

The oil still leaking from the Arizona! 

Lauren and Samantha with two survivors from Pearl Harbor!

Playing in the pool.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hawaii Day 2

Today we got up very early and headed off to hike a dormant volcano. To get there we had to climb 74 steps and then another 99 steps. We also had to go through a dark tunnel. Did you know that Oahu is 4 million years old?  After we went to the top of Diamond Head, we went to Cockroach Gulch. The waves were gargantuan! We learned how to body surf but our teacher accidentally pulled our heads down in the sand. That made us very drowsy. Then we got home and started to cook. We made a Caesar Tortellini Salad. It was delicious. We had a spectacular second day in Hawaii! 

Lauren snorkeling!

The Blow Hole!

Samantha snorkeling!

The Education Girlz with Tutu on top of Diamond Head (Le'ahi)


Manta Ray
The Education Girlz arrived in Hawaii for an academic trip to learn about volcanoes, the ocean environment, and World War II history. The day started out with an orienteering adventure through the Waialae Iki neighborhood overlooking Diamond Head, learning the directions "mauka" and "makai" as well as discovering the indigenous flora. We got up close and personal with manta rays, dolphins, and sea turtles (honu) at Kahala Beach. We also swam in the ocean and frolicked on sea rafts. We had a great first day!
Raft fun!

Identifying a tree by its bark.
The island!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Lauren experiments with a Bess beetle.
Samantha experiments with a Bess beetle.
The dung beetle and the stink bug.

The Desert Botanical Gardens' class on beetles was fascinating! These bugs have chewing mouth parts, called mandibles. Beetles have two hardened elytra that cover their bodies. The elytra come together down the middle of their backs and make a nice clean seam. They line up nicely, while true bugs like the assassin bugs and milkweed bugs have wings that overlap.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Uniforms

The Education Girlz have a new uniform. These two-toned pink shirts were individually designed by each girl to reflect their personal academic goal: "It's all about the learning!"
You girls look smart!

The dolphin is just one of our mascots!

Don't let the flower fool you.

Butterflies and Milkweed Bugs

Monarch butterfly at Desert Botanical Gardens

The Desert Botanical Gardens was the setting of today's lesson on the milkweed bug and bugs in general. We learned about the habitat and life cycle. We also learned about the milkweed bug's diet.

Looking for milkweed bugs.
The Inquiry Process